Child’s Pose – Balasana

 Summary of the Pose

Child's Pose, also known as Balasana, is an excellent pose for both beginners and intermediate yogis. It is the resting posture that you may come to when you are in between postures or when the intensity of your practice has pushed you to your limit.


Step 1
Begin in tabletop posture on all fours. Then, stretch your knees slightly wider than your hips apart while keeping your big toes together. People with stiff hips and thighs might join their knees.
Modifications: If your knees are painful or your hips are too tight, fold up a blanket and place it between your legs at the back of your knees for extra comfort and support.

Step 2
 Recline your hips and lay your buttocks on your heels.

Step 3 
Lengthen the spine from the base of the skull to the crown of the head.

Step 4
Bring the torso to drape between the legs on an exhale, with the heart and chest lying on top of or in between your thighs. Allow your brow to rest on the mat.

Step 5 
Extend your arms upwards, lengthening from your hips to your armpits and all the way to your fingers. The hands are facing down and softly pushing into the ground. Bring the arms beside the body with the palms facing up for a more passive variant (this version will also release your shoulders).

Step 6 
Continue to drive the hips back so that the buttocks press into the heels.

Step 7
Relax the shoulder, neck, and arms by releasing all tension.

Step 8
Here, you can soften your sight or even close your eyes.

Step 9
To release, gradually walk your hands back while you raise your torso to vertical and sit on your heels.

  •  Excellent pose for exploring the breath 
  •  Releasing the lower back.

  • A knee injury 

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