Summary of the Pose
Bound Extended Side Angle begins with Extended Side Angle Pose and adds a tight spot and an open bend. On the off chance that your shoulder supports are adaptable and hips are open, this posture should be great method for agreeing with your Position Angle Pose to another level.
Step 1
Start in Tadasana (mountain present) with your feet together and arms close by your body. Appropriate the weight equally in your feet.
Step 2
On a breathe out, venture your passed-on leg around 4 to 5 feet toward the rear of you and turn that back foot at around an 80 degrees point. You need the front impact point to be lined up with the curve of the back foot.
Step 3
Twist the right (front) knee to 90 degrees so the knee is straight over the lower leg and the shin is opposite to the earth. The knee ought to follow throughout the second and third toes. Convey the weight equitably through that front foot as you lift the internal curve and root down through the sides of the feet. The front toes are pointed advances and are corresponding with the front edge of your mat.
Step 4
Draw in the quad of the back leg. The leg should be straight without locking out the knee. Root down the external edge of the back foot into the earth as you press into the enormous toe mount.
Step 5
The hips are confronting the length of your mat and carry a delicate commitment to your midsection by attracting the navel and up towards the spine. Extend your tailbone down towards the earth.
Step 6
On a breathe in, lift the arms to bear stature, palms face down towards the ground. Loosen up the shoulders from the ears and reach through your fingertips. This is Warrior II.
Step 7
On a breathe-out, bring down your right lower arm to the right thigh and broaden the left arm up towards the sky.
Step 8
Plug the left arm bone into its attachment and expand the arm over your head. The bicep is straight over the left ear and the fingertips are effectively arriving at advances. Carry your look to the lengthy bicep.
Step 9
Utilize the center muscles to stand firm on you in this foothold instead of unloading the load into your right lower arm.
Step 10
After a couple of breaths, expand the right hand/fingertips to the cold earth. Turn the left rear arm muscle with the goal that the palm of the left faces toward the rear of you.
Step 11
Connect with the center significantly more and curve the left elbow arriving at the left arm despite your good faith. Arrive at the right hand through the launch of the legs. Snare the fingers of the left and right hands together or fold the left record and thumb over the right wrist. Free the heart up to the sky as you strip the left shoulder back making more space.
There is an inclination to fall in the right hip wrinkle. To counter this propensity keep on making more length and space in the right hip wrinkle with each breathe in and turn a little more profound moving the left shoulder back with each breathe out.
Step 12
Guarantee that the right knee isn't spreading outwards or dropping in. Remain grounded through the two feet.
Step 13
To escape the stance, discharge the tight spot then, at that point, utilize the strength of your center to return to fighter 2. Fix the front leg, bring down the arms and step back to the mountain present. Rehash on the left side
- Extends crotch, hamstrings, bears, and back
- Tones center muscles, legs, knees, and lower legs
- Restorative for blockage, barrenness, sciatica, feminine distress, and low back torment.
- Cerebral pains
- A sleeping disorder
- High or low pulse
- Neck injury keep the look advances rather than upwards